Our Services

Couples Counselling


The earlier you get help, the shorter your journey will be. Couple’s Counselling provides the tools and resources to get you to the place you want to be. I can’t tell you the journey will be easy but I can tell you I will give you what you need to navigate it safely step by step. What I provide has been proven to work. I draw on the best of the world’s leading experts in affair recovery and relationships and weave in my own experience - I make it real.

Research has shown that around 80% of couples strive to rebuild their relationships after an affair but receiving specialist help is the difference between staying together and settling for less than you deserve or even worse, having it happen again.

You may not be entirely sure that you want to rebuild - that’s OK. Couples counselling will help you understand what you need to do and how you can do it. Choices you make along the way will become clearer as you move towards recovery.

A standard session is 90 minutes. We usually start with a double session and continue from there with standard sessions.

2 Day Intensive


The best results come from this deep dive into your affair recovery journey. Over 2 days, you as a couple, will learn what you need to do to recover and focus on the key elements to get you going: safety; rebuilding trust; talking about it; managing triggers and obsessive thoughts; and the big one Why?

Unlike a workshop with other couples, this process is entirely individualised to you as a couple so we can go at your pace and focus on the things that will help you the most. After the 2 days you will follow up with the standard 90 minute sessions as often as required until fully recovered.

2 Day intensives are especially good for those coming in from regional or interstate areas with follow up via zoom.

Counselling for Individuals


If your relationship has ended due to you partner’s affair, you need to recover yourself. Individual counselling with the specific focus on Affair Recovery can help you understand how and why it all happened even when you cannot ask the questions directly.

Support Groups - Beyond Affairs Network


The Beyond Affairs Network is an international network of support groups for the betrayed spouse. Affair Recovery Australia runs a monthly group that meets via Zoom and is open to all betrayed partners who would like to attend.

The meetings are completely free and cover topics to help you heal, move forward and rebuild after the affair for both those who are rebuilding their relationship and those whose relationship has ended.